Yellowdot; created by Bodin Hon and Dilara Kan is a design studio working on products, lighting, furniture, and spaces. Bodin and Dilara share their thoughts and a drawing on the word ‘Brightness’ from the #Sanayi313Words series.
When was the last time you used the word ‘brightness’?
We are working on a new lighting project. It is a period in which we question the impact brightness has on us physically and mentally.
What feeling does this word create in you?
Energy, happiness, hope… In fact, we connected ‘brightness’ with our studio name Yellowdot, like the sun.
How does this word relate to you and your work?
Bringing hope and joy through creativity. In our project ‘Hatch’ we used the leftover eggshell – to create lighting to inspire people about what could be done with everyday waste material. Egg is a symbol of birth in cultures all around the world, so it was great to create something universal and inspiring.
Would you please share three new words for our next interviewee?
Play, surprise and contrast.