Despite the unfathomable losses, depletion, and endless uncertainties, it is still beautiful—beautiful… despite everything.

This album captures everything: what we have lost and laid to rest, what stands firm despite it all, and what has thrived in our absence—they will endure long after we are gone.

We are still here two years after the devastating earthquakes that shook us. Our longing and sadness are intertwined with hope, and we embrace life with all our strength.

Our roots, our memories, and our homes are here in Hatay.

We learned, in the most brutal way, that cities are more than just buildings and streets. They consist of people, memories, stories, traditions, sounds, and textures. After all, cities don’t just exist on maps; they thrive in our memories.

We are now rebuilding our city not with bricks and mortar but with our memories and passion.

You won’t find a new country, won’t find another shore, said C. P. Cavafy in his poem “The City”. You’ll always end up in this city.

From the deep blue of the Mediterranean to the lush green of stunning Mount Amanus and the golden yellow expanse of the Amik Plain.

The fertile lands provide an array of products, whether it be wheat, cotton, or citrus fruits.

From the defiant Asi River to the endless coastline of Samandağ.

From the charming narrow streets of Antakya to the sun-drenched shores of Arsuz.

Moreover, the incredibly hospitable people and always delicious Hatay cuisine.

A thin Antakya simit dipped in cumin and salt, pickles galore, and hummus garnished with spices. Steaming minced meat or grilled Iskenderun shrimp. A golden-brown homemade künefe served with Turkish coffee.

As the people of Hatay say as they see their guests off: Welcome! We hope to have you again!