In a country of over 80 million people, where we lose our sanity and souls in hours of traffic or the overcrowded public transport, this city manages to restore us in just four days and makes us ask, “Should we move here for three months every summer?”
I am in the Norwegian capital, where the feeling of “we’re going to freeze” that comes with traveling north is completely shattered by a springtime heat of 30 degrees Celsius. I gaze in admiration at the fjords where Vikings once set sail, take a dip in the sea from the tiny islands where all Norwegians flock with picnic baskets at the first sight of sun, and try to process everything we’ve seen at the Munch Museum, Vigeland Park, and The National Museum and whilw watching Candide at the Opera House.The exhaustion of a night spent at a cocktail bar ranked among the world’s Best 50 is washed away the next day with an ice-cold plunge after a sauna session, followed by seafood so delicious it lingers in our minds for days.Shortly after our trip, we come across a video called “Is it even a city?” and every sentence, every feeling in it resonates with us. Without hesitation, we add Oslo to our “must return” list—because this city is easy, beautiful, and healing.