Established in 2016 to showcase a diverse selection of contemporary art in Istanbul, PILL® Gallery is now hosting Paris-based Greek artist Nefeli Papadimouli’s first solo exhibition in the city. Previously exhibited simultaneously at the 17th Lyon Biennial and the 9th Asian Art Biennial in Taiwan, “Skinscapes” provides an in-depth look at the artist’s graphic narratives, photographic series, and unique wearable sculptures.

3 Dec 2024|In Finds| BEGÜM EROL

With a background in architecture, Nefeli Papadimouli examines the concept of public space and its intricate relationship with the human body through her multifaceted creative practice, encompassing photography, drawing, costume design, and performance. Her sculptures and installations come to life with performers and audiences as she explores themes of belonging and responsibility within social systems while leaving room for individuals to choose whether to be part of those systems or not. Art critic and curator Julie Pellegrin highlights how Papadimouli investigates scenarios where the concepts of “I” and “we” diverge yet strive for some sort of connection. The term “Skinscape” originates from a series of wearable sculptures the artist previously created. These sculptures create abstract monochrome paintings punctuated by bursts of color within collective movement and architectural interfaces that bring bodies together and redefine boundaries. Reflecting different human body forms, the works symbolize a state of being “on strike” when displayed on walls.

Running from 30 November 2024 to 25 January 2025, the exhibition will also include a selection of Polaroid prints and graphic narratives that document and reflect the choreographies brought to life by Nefeli Papadimouli’s sculptures, animated by performance artists and audiences. In the “Relational Cartography” series, the geometric backgrounds refer to the foundation of modernist abstraction, while Papadimouli’s circular and overlapping multifaceted shapes emphasize the possibilities and uncertainties inherent in collective experiences. The artist embraces the improvisational and spontaneous aspects of collective experiences to explore the freedom dimension of our actions in everyday spaces.